Education program

Education program

Education program

- Comprehensive training program

Innovative teaching methods, interactive learning, collaborative learning, problem-solving learning, etc. will ensure that your child will enjoy and be active in learning, becoming confident and creative. It also helps to identify and nurture the innate ability of the baby.

Children between the ages of 2 and 6 can enroll in the school and will be placed in different age classes. The curriculum is designed based on the criteria set by the Ministry of Education and Training, combined with international advanced educational methods to help children develop harmony in terms of physical, language, emotional, social and aesthetic skills, ready for children to enter primary and higher education.

Innovative teaching methods, interactive learning, collaborative learning, problem-solving learning, etc. will ensure that your child will enjoy and be active in learning, becoming confident and creative. It also helps to identify and nurture the innate ability of the baby.
Physical education and giftedness are an integral part of the SEA S comprehensive education program. They will have the opportunity to learn rhythm, martial arts, music, fine arts, Strengthen the capacity of aesthetic, promote imagination rich and creative.
SEA.S is especially interested in developing the language ability of the baby. Scientific research has shown that children have the ability to feel the language while still in the womb. However, in order for children to receive and transform the language of others into their own, the school and the family need to be able to communicate effectively and effectively. In addition to the native language - Vietnamese, it is very important for children to become familiar with the English and Chinese languages ​​in order to meet the development requirements of the new age. At SEA.S, your child will learn the language of fun, fun through the exercises and games attractive, highly educational. Indigenous teachers will help children practice English, effective Chinese every day to form as a second language.
